Sir Philip Green

1246 days ago

Photo article: Philip Green of Arcadia shame Karma tweet

I am a great believer in what goes around comes around, karma. The tweet and photo of loathsome Sir Phil Green below is perfect karma. Welcome to the photographer’s tale…


1252 days ago

Philip Green’s Arcadia to go bust so who is to blame?

It appears that Arcadia, owner of TopShop, Burtons and Dorothy Perkins is unable to tap an additional £30 million banking lifeline and so is likely to go into administration next week putting 13,000 jobs at risk. The odds are that most stores will be bought from the administrators so the actual jobs cull, though painful, will not be as painful as some fear. Already the blame game has started but who is really to blame?


1718 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Tony O'Reilly Jnr you really are the biggest shit in Ireland

In today’s podcast I start with how Roger Lawson wants laws changed that will shut ShareProphets down and is using Burford (BUR) as his pretext. I look at how the AIM demise of Avanti (AVN) shows how wrong Lawson is and at lessons we can all learn. I cover Providence Resources (PVR) and its dirtbag fat cat boss Tony O’Reilly Jnr, at Cabot Energy (TOAST), Mysale (MYSL) – another mark of shame for Burford’s Nomad Macquarie and for Sir Philip Green – and at IMC Exploration (IMC) which is toxic.


1910 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: is Sir Philip Green the most unacceptable face of capitalism? No.

I speak not in defence of Sir Phil for there are many things one can rightly condemn him for, not least trying to gag a free press in an era when free speech is under real attack. But is he the demon the press makes him out to be today? No. He is a dinosaur and has acted wrongly but is no demon. And some of his critics, notably Lord Hain of sleaze, are rank hypocrites.


2017 days ago

Britain’s most loathed businessman Sir Philip Green accused of #Metoo Sexual harassment, racism, bullying & gagging victims and the press

The Daily Telegraph has been on this story for eight months but Britain’s most loathed businessmen has used his vast wealth to take out legal injunctions stopping the press from publishing details. However that has been blown apart by Lord Peter Hain of sleaze using Parliamentary Privilege  to name Green and Hain’s comments can now be reported. The scumbag former Labour minister has for once in his life done the decent thing and told the House of Lords today:


2927 days ago

BHS goes bust - why Sir Philip Green's brand of capitalism is not acceptable, he should be made a pariah

BHS started with 1 store in 1928. Today it employs 11,000 folk and operates from 164 stores. And it has just gone bust. The blame lies not with the current management but with Sir Philip Green who sold BHS to today's bosses for £1 a year ago.
